WOMENS Health / Birth Control Products
Mirena is a small, long-acting, levonorgestrel-releasing
intrauterine system (LNG-IUS) that provides high reliability in preventing pregnancy,
with the added benefit of shorter, lighter and less painful periods. Mirena provides
contraceptive protection for up to 5 years, after which it should be removed.
The Mirena system consists of a 32 mm long, flexible plastic T-shaped frame impregnated
with barium sulphate. This makes it radio-opaque and thus detectable on X-ray examination.
A cylindrical reservoir, wrapped around the vertical stem, contains 52 mg of levonorgestrel
(LNG). After placement into the uterus, the LNG is released in small doses (20ug/day
initially and declining to around 10 ug/day after 5 years) through a polydimethylsiloxane
membrane into the uterine cavity. The resulting low systemic hormone level is associated
with a low incidence of hormone-related adverse effects. Furthermore, the local
release of LNG into the uterine cavity is responsible for many of the benefits of

Luciara ® is the new Bayer cream specially formulated to help prevent
stretch marks. With its unique Dual Action Hydro â„¢, deeply hydrates the skin, preventing
the emergence of these brands as undesirable in the skin. Luciara ® contains no
fragrances, no preservatives, no lanolin, no alcohol, no dyes, common substances
in products cosmetics, so it does not cause irritation or allergies or nausea.
Clinically proven, this cream is composed of a minimum of ingredients, carefully
selected and formulated with pharmaceutical grade raw materials to maximize skin
tolerance during pregnancy.
